Be Alined offers personalized home organization and design in the South Jersey and Philadelphia areas.
We've all been there. Life gets BUSY and things - literal and figurative - just pile up. You know things can be better but you just don't know where to start. You want solutions and NOT to shop around, yet again, for the right thing that will work. You want to be supported and empowered - it's YOUR home after all!
We save you time, money, heartache and headaches. We streamline processes, help you think differently, and organize not only stuff but time.
You'll have more clarity and balance so you can have the vision - and time - to spend on things and people most important to you.And it starts with a free conversation.

Meet Jenn, Owner and Lead Professional Organizer
Me, in short? I think people can be amazing, that the good life is even better when simple things are savored, and that physical changes absolutely can be a catalyst for mental ones.
And how did the passion for organizing come about? Always came naturally! A corporate career history in a project management and Marketing and Advertising, plus an innate knowledge of aesthetics, form and function, compelled me to expand on my own passion for organized living. In 2013 an entrepreneur and Be Alined were born. Every day since, my love for encouraging people to define their own well being and terms of success, and teaching others to work productively and with intent, continue to fuel that passion and drive.

Image Credit: Joe Lamberti/Courier Post
One person's excess is another one's just enough.
Lightening the load and feeling good are two key principles for Be Alined. Those outcomes occur in the organizing process, for Be Alined clients, and for those that receive the generous donations. This is a huge part of why I love what I do and why the company is set up this way.
Charity recommendations, coordination and delivery by the car load are all handled at no cost to any organizing project.
Be Alined was featured in Courier Post, "How To Declutter For Good." Donation delivery is not only fulfilling for Jenn and her clients; volunteers are so appreciative as well.